• Green ICT: IEEE Young Professionals Competition

    IEEE GreenICT Logo
    April, 8 2022, Robert Sacks

    Click here to download the PDF version of Call For Entries.

    Attention Young Professionals! Listen to Mother Earth’s call: Antarctica’s sheet ice is melting fast. Sea levels are rising continuously. Polluted air rages in every populated continent. Our future is in danger. You are electric and electronic engineers. You are the backbone and builders of technology infrastructures in the 21st century. You are a major force of the change that is about to come. And Green Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a big part of the solution!

    We invite you to join the IEEE Green ICT Initiative. Put forward your ingenious ideas, creative solutions, and innovative visions. Join us for the first IEEE Greening through ICT (GtICT) Summit in Paris October 3, 2017. Contribute to an open dialogue with political, technical, and business leaders who make decisions for our future. As one important contribution of the IEEE Greening through ICT Summit, we invite you to participate in the first (IEEE) Young Professional Green ICT Idea Competition. This competition focuses on contributing ideas on Greening ICT itself and Greening through ICT various application sectors of ICT. The ultimate goal is thus not only to create “Sustainable ICT” but also to enable transformative change across society through “Sustainability by ICT”. The following three themes are of interest:

    Improved energy efficiency in ICT and by ICT
    Reduction of carbon and polluting atmospheric emissions in ICT and by ICT
    Improved technology life cycle management (i.e. in the manufacturing, operation and disposal phases of technology)
    You are invited to send 1-2 page descriptions describing your idea for one or more of these three themes. For each area, one winner will be selected and invited to attend the summit. The winning package includes:

    Young Professional Green ICT Idea Competition Winning Package
    Free attendance to the IEEE Green ICT Summit in Paris, France
    Free trip and accommodation to attend the summit in Paris (for one person)
    500 Euros cash reward
    5 minutes of time for publicly presenting her/his idea at the IEEE Greening through ICT Summit
    The deadline of submission is August 11, 2017. Winners will be announced by August 25, 2017. Selected ideas contributed by contestants will be shared with the world as the voice of young professionals in the Summit declaration. We look forward to seeing your contributions!

    Today we fight for our future!

    Submissions should be filed using the following CALL FOR ENTRIES FORM.

    For more information, please contact Yaning Zou (yaning.zou@ifn.et.tu-dresden.de) or Jacques Mc Neill (Jacques.McNeill@technoprise.ca)