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The IEEE Mobile App: IEEE is at your Fingertips

Missing emails? Not up-to-date with IEEE?  Try out the new IEEE Mobile app to stay up-to-date with IEEE.

For the development of the mobile application IEEE is being partnered with IEEE Young Professionals and the IEEE Mobile Center of Excellence.

Features of the IEEE mobile app include:

Trending: Find the IEEE news in your pocket now

With all the email subscriptions you have, you might sometimes be missing to be up to date with IEEE news from IEEE Newsroom, IEEE TV, posts on IEEE social media pages and to read articles on trending topics by IEEE publications such as IEEE Spectrum, IEEE the Institute, IEEE Transmitter, IEEE USA – to name a few. All you have to do is navigate to the ‘Trending’ tab in your IEEE mobile app and you will find the news feed which is organized in a way to give you an excellent user experience.

Nearby Members: Interact with IEEE members while you are on the go

As the IEEE mobile app is location-based, it gives users a great opportunity to meet IEEE colleagues to expand your network. Navigate to the ‘Nearby Members’ tab and with a tap you can view their public profiles and connect with them via email. Also, you can create your own meetup to get together to do something or learn something.

Meetups: Discover meetups by moving the map with your fingers

With the location-based functionality, you are able to interact with nearby IEEE colleagues wherever you go, it gives geography-specific content by moving the map in ‘Meetups’ tab with your fingers. It is very quick and easy to find IEEE meetups nearby you with this mobile app.

Your Profile: Update your profile right in the app

As simple as you use your mobile device to update your social media profiles, you can update your IEEE profile from the IEEE mobile app. You can fix anything in your profile quickly.

Download now and enjoy the experience! Share in comments what functions work best for you.

Google PlayApp Store

Article by Dinuka Tharangi Jayaweera, Editor-in-Chief, IMPACT by IEEE Young Professionals