• One stop shop for all Young Professionals, a new web portal!

    Stock photo of Website word under construction
    February, 10 2022, Robert Sacks

    Meet-up events, entrepreneurship, IEEE career products, volunteer resources, awards and the latest news! These are just a few of the things you will find on the new IEEE Young Professionals web portal at https://yp.ieee.org

    It has been nearly 2 years since IEEE Young Professionals rebranded from Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD), but the old look-and-feel of the GOLD brand remained prevalent in much of our online branding and identity. This had to change. The IEEE Young Professionals Committee decided that a website refresh should be a top priority project for 2015, and here it is! Thanks to a collaborative effort between IEEE staff and volunteers, we are proud to finally launch our new website” says Chair of IEEE Young Professionals, Mario Milicevic.

    We listened to our members and have designed the website with input from many of you. Our members can now find all information related to IEEE Young Professionals in the one all-encompassing hub. It is now very easy to find relevant information regarding upcoming young professional meet-ups and search for types of meetups.

    “During the website development process our team had two main goals: to deliver valuable content and keep the website intuitive, and to create portal where both members and volunteers will find what they need, within two clicks”, says Rafal Sliz, IEEE Young Professionals Vice-Chair: Leadership and Training.


    One of our newly introduced and popular products is our monthly webinar series where we cover topics from personal finance, ideation to validation, and deeply technical topics. Upcoming and past webinars are all at the tip of your finger now.


    For our members who are embracing entrepreneurship, we have created a subpage that will become an idea sharing hub and resource centre.

    Keep checking back periodically as we will be regularly updating the listing of meet-up events,  past webinars, entrepreneurial resources, featured IEEE Collabratec communities of interest, and adding volunteer resources.


    For all your volunteering needs

    We found it frustrating as much as you did that valuable information for volunteers was scattered all over, from websites to information that was kept with fellow volunteers. We wanted to encapsulate the best of this knowledge and present the information to our membership in a very simple and easy to access manner. You can now find information on hosting your own meetup, order event kits and materials, getting funding for STEP and CEW events, manuals and event recipes, templates and graphics, awards and much more.


    “Our publication GOLDRush was recently rebranded in line with our name change to Young Professionals. The publication is now known as IMPACT by IEEE Young Professionals, indicating the impact that our members are making all around the word with their volunteering, research, leadership and dedication to advancing technology for humanity,” says Editor in Chief, Dr. Eddie Custovic.


    The IMPACT blog has been incorporated into the new website and will provide exciting new ways of delivering information to our members via videos, podcasts, presentations and investigative journalism from every continent.

    Well don’t just read about our new website, go and explore at https://yp.ieee.org