• Awaken the Entrepreneurial Genius in You!

    IEEE Young Professionals at IMS 2015
    April, 12 2022, Robert Sacks

    IEEE Young Professionals Global, IEEE Young Professionals Phoenix, and IEEE MTT-S Young Professionals teamed up for the Young Professionals Special Session on May 19that the 2015 International Microwave Symposium (IMS) in the Phoenix Convention Center. The session was sponsored by MTT-19 Business Issues and chaired by Emile Davies-Venn. That night, a Complementary Reception (19:00 to 21:00) was held at Lucky Strike Phoenix. The reception was sponsored by IEEE Young Professionals Global and hosted by IEEE Young Professionals Phoenix Affinity Group.

    The Special Session, titled “Young Professional Discussion Forum: Awaken the Entrepreneurial Genius in You! ” featured dynamic entrepreneurial speakers and panelists discussing various aspects of entrepreneurship (http://www.ims2015.org/about-microwave-week/young-professionals/young-professional-session). There were about 40 attendees, a good number of questions from the audience to the speakers/panelists (and a great discussion):

    Dr. Larry Dunleavy; co-founder and President/CEO: Modelithics Inc., professor: University of South Florida.
    Dr. Feng Ling; founder and CEO: Xpeedic Technologies Inc.
    Dr. Tom Driscoll, CTO and Co-founder: Echodyne Corp.
    Charles Lewis, Vice President of venture development, Arizona Technology Enterprise.

    The Complementary Reception was a great event where about 400 diverse attendees from all over the world were able to network and socialize while enjoying bowling, billiard, and food. The Past Chair (Shafiul “Jacky” Islam) and current Chair (Jennifer Taggart) of IEEE Young Professionals Phoenix were appointed as the IEEE Young Professionals Global Representatives by the Vice Chair of Strategic Relationships (Elie Rosen) of IEEE Young Professionals Global. They communicated to attendees the purpose of IEEE Young Professionals initiative as well as some of the events IEEE Young Professionals Phoenix engaged in last year e.g. Technical Speakers Series, Social Events, and the two mega events: 1st Annual Career Mixer and IEEE Young Professionals Leadership Conference 2014. Plans for future IEEE Young Professionals Phoenix events were also announced. During the reception an IEEE Young Professionals Global presentation/video played on all of the screens at Lucky Strike.

    In the spirit of IEEE Young Professionals Strategic Alliance, IEEE Young Professionals Global and IEEE Young Professionals Phoenix engaged in this collaborative event for the first time and experimented with it to take the learnings from this event and use it as a model for other subsequent events e.g. other IEEE technical conferences etc. We highly appreciate and acknowledge the contributions of following key people who enabled such a great event:

    Elie Rosen, Vice Chair Strategic Relationships, IEEE Young Professionals Global
    Elsie Vega, IMS 2015 Event Management
    Article contributed by Shafiul “Jacky” Islam, Past Chair, IEEE Young Professionals Phoenix