On December 16, 2014, IEEE Phoenix Young Professionals in collaboration with IEEE Phoenix Women in Engineering, IEEE Arizona State University Student Branch, and IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu Epsilon Beta Chapter organized their first leadership conference as part of IEEE Young Professionals (formerly GOLD) Strategic Alliance initiative proposed by Shafiul “Jacky” Islam at IEEE Southwest Area Meeting on August 24, 2013 in Phoenix, Arizona.
This event was hosted at the Intel Chandler Campus, where select Intel and IEEE leaders discussed their career paths and personal journeys in mentoring others to achieve excellence in leadership. Furthermore, the conference provided excellent networking opportunities for all attendees.
The list of conference speakers are listed below:
Conference Speakers
Conference Speakers
David Baker – Keynote Speaker (Director, PAE-Personal Form Factor Engr, Software & Services Group, Intel Corporation)
Michael Bair – Keynote Speaker (Principal Engineer, Platform Engineering Group, Intel Corporation)
Hang Nguyen – Keynote Speaker (Sr. Principal Engineer, Lead CPU Architect, Communications Storage Infrastructure Group, Intel Corporation)
Mike Andrews – Keynote Speaker (Director, IEEE Region 6 Managing Partner, Andrews & Associates, President, Sound & Optics Systems)
Prital Shah (Sr. Software Engineer, Software & Services Group, Intel Corporation)
Shamala Chickamenahalli (Chair, IEEE Phoenix Women in Engineering, Staff Research Engineer, Intel Corporation)
Shafiul “Jacky” Islam (Chair, IEEE Phoenix Young Professionals, Software Engineer, Intel Corporation)
For more information on speakers please click here
The conference theme as established by Jacky, was to emphasize the importance of personal/character strengths (e.g. ethics, integrity, courage, honor, reliability, responsibility, resilience etc.) for excellence in leadership and the importance of strength in diversity for maximizing/driving innovation. Jacky has been living his passion for uniting and leading diverse groups of people through his IEEE Young Professionals Strategic Alliance initiative.
The group originally planned to host the conference in December 2013, but unfortunately the event was postponed to December 2014. Due to the success of the conference the group is in the process of organizing a follow up event in 2015.
The presentation slides for Jacky Islam can be found here
Announcement contributed by Shafiul ‘Jacky’ Islam, Chair, IEEE Phoenix Young Professionals, Software Engineer, Intel Corporation