Ana Inês Inácio

Ana Inês Inácio

IEEE YP Committee

Ana Inês Inácio, was born and raised in Portugal and is currently living in The Netherlands. She is a Scientist at TNO, with an Analog IC Design expertise, she spends her time focusing on the design of future RF sensor systems needed to develop state-of-the-art radar technologies.

With over a decade of IEEE membership, Ana Inês has held various volunteer positions, including IEEE University of Aveiro SB Vice-Chair, Benelux YP Chair, R8 Student Representative and R8 YP Chair. She is currently the IEEE Young Professionals Vice-Chair and serves as Region 8 Young Professionals Past Chair. Ana Inês is also an active member of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society (MTT-S), she was the Region 8 YP representative for the past 4 years and she currently serves as the society’s IEEE YP Liaison.

What she loves about her daily work and volunteering work is transforming concepts into tangible solutions, making unexpected connections and facilitating collaboration among diverse teams.