Christopher Lopez
Christopher Lopez (Chris) is a Principal Engineer at DTE Energy based in Detroit, Michigan. Chris has been working at DTE Energy since joining as a Co-op in January 2014. Today, he focusses on power distribution projects around the Detroit Metropolitan Area. This past December, Chris earned a Master of Science in electrical engineering at the University of Michigan-Dearborn.
Chris is serving as the Young Professionals Committee Chair in IEEE Region 4. In his role, he is committed to inspiring IEEE YP members to develop professionally through their involvement with IEEE. Chris enters this role with a great background in volunteerism through IEEE. He has served on the YP Committee in Region 4 since September 2022. As an undergraduate student, he was heavily involved with the IEEE student branch at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, and was once involved with the Student Activities Committee for Region 4.
Chris is very excited to continue his IEEE volunteer efforts as the YP Committee Chair in Region 4 and has a goal to get more YP members involved in the committee.