Cybele Ghanem
Cybele Ghanem is a Redhat Certified System Administrator, currently employed as a Systems Engineer working in Support and Implementation at Invigo Offshore. She also holds the position of eSIM Application Manager at the same company.
Cybele was recently chosen as one of the IEEE Computer Society 20 in their 20s honorees, identified as one of the emerging leaders in Computer science and Engineering. Additionally, she was honored with the IEEE MGA Young Professionals Achievement Award 2024 for her leadership in IEEE Day and IEEEXtreme.
Besides her professional experience, her interpersonal skills are highlighted in her volunteering work.
Cybele joined IEEE in 2016 and has been an active volunteer ever since. She was appointed as IEEE YP Climate and Sustainability Subcommittee Co-Chair 2025. She has been working with the Young Professionals community in Lebanon for the past 3 years, implementing strategic initiatives to empower the Lebanese youth, and she was elected as the Chairperson of IEEE Young Professionals Lebanon for 2025-2026. Additionally, she had numerous contributions in her Region, where she was appointed as Member of Region 8 Young Professionals team.