Hasala Dharmawardena
Hasala Dharmawardena is an Electric Power Engineer with a combined eleven years of experience working in the design, construction, and commissioning of power systems and in the research and development of transmission and distribution system technology. Hasala specializes in modeling, simulation, and optimization of power systems. He obtained his doctoral degree at Clemson University, USA, master’s degree at NTNU, Norway, and bachelor’s degree at the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, all in Electric Power Engineering. He works as a power system consultant at Leidos.
Hasala is an avid energy policy advocate and has contributed to numerous utility rate cases across the globe. A passionate volunteer for IEEE, he currently serves as the Chair of the IEEE Young Professionals (YP) Committee. Previously, he served as Young Professional Representative on the IEEE-USA Board of Directors, Vice-Chair of IEEE Young Professionals, and the Power and Energy Society Student Chapters Committee Chair. He is also a past Region 3 YP Coordinator, IEEE YP Sri Lanka Affinity Group Chair, IEEE Piedomont Section Power and Energy Society Chapter Chair, IEEE Norway Webmaster, and Student Activities Committee Chair.