Jenifer Castillo
Sales and Account Manager at Lufthansa Technik. Mechatronics Engineer, graduated from San Buenaventura University in Bogota Colombia. MBA – International Enterprises from the Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico.
IEEE Senior member, being part of IEEE as member and volunteer for 21 years. currently, she is IEEE R9 Director 2024-2025, and good to know that she was elected Director when she was still a YP (in 2022!)
Also as a YP, she was the IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) Committee Chair 2021-2022, IEEE Industry Engagement Committee member 2021-2022, IEEE Puerto Rico and Caribbean (PR&C) Section Past-Chair, among many other positions in the past, including YP Chair of he sections, and Student Branch chair in her Alma Mater
Recognized with the IEEE MGA Achievement Award 2020, “For sustained and outstanding achievements in promoting Students, YP, and WIE membership development in Latin America and the Caribbean”, and the Oscar C. Fernández, IEEE Region 9 recognition to the outstanding volunteer in Latin America.