Raghav Thanigaivel
Raghav is based out of Toronto and currently works as a Senior Engineer at Telus, where he is responsible for the automation of 4G and 5G Wireless Core Networks. In IEEE, he presently serves as the YP Awards & Recognition Lead and the R7 YP Coordinator.
In his previous job, he engaged in R&D at the US Department of Commerce. His research on Device-to-Device Communications resulted in potentially life-saving revisions to the Public Safety communication standards and a publication in IEEE.
He holds a Masters Degree in Telecommunications from University of Colorado Boulder, USA and a Bachelors Degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Amrita University, India. He has also completed the Mini-MBA program from Rutgers University and IEEE.
He is a Professional Engineer in Canada and holds multiple certifications, including IEEE's very own Wireless Communications Engineering Technologies (WCET). He is an Advanced Ham Radio operator in Canada and US. He is also a certified Advanced Operations Drone Pilot and Flight Reviewer in Canada.