Saveethya Sivakumar

Saveethya Sivakumar


Saaveethya Sivakumar is a faculty member at Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Curtin University Malaysia. She is also the program coordinator of Bachelor of Computing (Software Engineering) and Head of Training and Development with Faculty of Engineering and Science, Curtin University Malaysia. Saaveethya completed her PhD at Monash University and B.Eng. Electronic and Communication Engineering at Curtin University. She is the proud recipient of the Keysight Best Electronic Communication Graduate Award presented by Curtin Malaysia in 2015.

Her research focus lies in the areas of Machine learning, Signal Processing, Image Processing, Gait Analysis, Biomechanics, and Biomedical Engineering. Saaveethya is currently volunteering as the IEEE MGA Rep at IEEE Young Professionals 2023 and IEEE Region 10 (Asia Pacific) Young Professionals Committee Chair for 2021-2023. She is the immediate past Regional Student Representative of IEEE Region 10 for 2019-2020, for representing student members across the Asia Pacific. She is the recipient of Malaysia Section Women In Engineering Outstanding Volunteer Award in 2016 and IEEE MGA Young Professionals Achievement Award in 2021.

She is strongly interested and motivated in developing STEM skills of students at their early learning stages providing university and pre-university students with interactive learning and collaborative research. As such, her future perspective is to create better wellbeing for existing social needs especially in the field of healthcare technology