Montevideo, Montevideo, Uruguay, Virtual: URUCON 2024 Conference sponsored by IEEE Cono Sur Council and IEEE Uruguay Section, invites you to participate in the third URUCON IEEE Hybrid Conference, that will be held in […]
Bldg: CONFRENCE ROOM, Hamdard University of Engineering & Technology, Main Campus, KARACHI, Sindh, Pakistan, 9540Overview: The "Career Counselling for Young Professionals" event aimed to provide valuable guidance to students on navigating their career paths after graduation. The event brought together experienced professionals from various […]
Historia y Progreso de las Manufacturas Aeronáuticas en México: Desafíos y Oportunidades Actuales
Bldg: CENTA, Querétaro Intercontinental Airport, 76278 Colón, Querétaro, Queretaro, Queretaro de Arteaga, Mexico, 76278Sergio Barrera Sánchez, radicado en Querétaro, México, es actualmente Secretario Técnico de la Universidad Aeronáutica en Querétaro (UNAQ), aportando experiencia de roles anteriores en la Universidad Aeronáutica en Querétaro (UNAQ), […]
10 hours Free Online Training for Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect (PCA) certification
Virtual: Professional Cloud Architect (PCA) journey is a challenging but beneficial pathway to a thorough understanding of cloud architecture and Google Cloud, you will be able to design, develop, and […]
Congestion in Large-Scale Transportation Networks: Analysis and Control
Virtual: models, such as the Lighthill-Whitham-Richards (LWR) model and their discretizations like Daganzo’s Cell Transmission Model (CTM), have proven successful in modeling traffic networks. In general, these models are not […]
Congestion in Large-Scale Transportation Networks: Analysis and Control
Virtual: models, such as the Lighthill-Whitham-Richards (LWR) model and their discretizations like Daganzo’s Cell Transmission Model (CTM), have proven successful in modeling traffic networks. In general, these models are not […]
Seminarios: “Herramientas de Inteligencia Artificial en Imágenes Médicas” – Seminario #2
Virtual: CD de la rama en conjunto con el Capítulo EMBS de la Sección Argentina y la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba organizan una serie de seminarios sobre herramientas de IA […]
Navigating the Career Jungle: Unleashing Your Success in Today’s Work Landscape
Virtual: habits and expectations have changed significantly in the last several years. Surviving and thriving depends on your ability to grasp the broader picture and hone some essential skills. In […]
Seminarios: “Herramientas de Inteligencia Artificial en Imágenes Médicas” – Seminario #2
Córdoba, Cordoba, Argentina, Virtual: CD de la rama en conjunto con el Capítulo EMBS de la Sección Argentina y la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba organizan una serie de seminarios sobre herramientas de IA […]
Seminarios: “Herramientas de Inteligencia Artificial en Imágenes Médicas” – Seminario #2
Córdoba, Cordoba, Argentina, Virtual: CD de la rama en conjunto con el Capítulo EMBS de la Sección Argentina y la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba organizan una serie de seminarios sobre herramientas de IA […]
Seminarios: “Herramientas de Inteligencia Artificial en Imágenes Médicas” – Seminario #2
Córdoba, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Virtual: CD de la rama en conjunto con el Capítulo EMBS de la Sección Argentina y la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba organizan una serie de seminarios sobre herramientas de IA […]