
Reunión de Planificación


Miembros del CD de la rama realizaron una reunión virtual: Análisis de cronograma y organización de actividades para RNR+YP en Argencon 2024. Tareas de la reunión pasada: - Revisar reporte […]

Networking and Social Event

6418 Quinpool Rd, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, B3L 1A8

You are invited to join us for our free in-person networking event! This event is an excellent opportunity for people at various stages of their careers to meet, socialize and […]

Networking and Social Event

6418 Quinpool Rd, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, B3L 1A8

You are invited to join us for our free in-person networking event! This event is an excellent opportunity for people at various stages of their careers to meet, socialize and […]

IEEE Ins and Outs of Employment Law for Employees and Networking Session

Glendale 6000 California City Blvd, California City

IEEE Ins and Outs of Employment Law for Employees and Networking 6pm-7pm – Employment Law Presentation with Q/A 7pm-8:30pm - Networking and Collaboration - Expand professional network by meeting fellow […]