Dec 2024 Networking Night – IEEE Orange County Section

Sgt. Pepperoni's Pizza Store, 4533 Campus Dr, Irvine, California, United States, 92612

Networking Night hosted by the IEEE Orange County Section [] Join us for delicious pizza from Sgt Pepperoni's Pizza Store and meet other IEEE members in person at our monthly networking event in Irvine! Please register with your IEEE # and bring a jacket as we will be at the outdoor patio. (Include any dietary […]

IEEE Alabama Section YP Break Out Room Event

2717 19th Pl S, Homewood, Birmingham, Alabama, United States, 35209

On December 10, 2024, the IEEE Alabama Section Young Professionals (YP) hosted an exciting social event at Breakout Games in Birmingham, Alabama, at 7:00 PM. This event provided an opportunity for IEEE members and guests to engage in an immersive escape room experience, fostering teamwork, critical thinking, and collaboration in a fun and relaxed environment. […]

IEEE of Northern Nevada Sponsorship

1664 N. Virginia St, Reno, Nevada, United States, 89557

These funds will be used for items like Rising Stars attendance for university students and Young Professionals, STEM Labs for Pre-University students, student competition registrations, community service projects, and more. The Kilowatt level includes: - A 3D Printed Sponsor Acknowledgement trophy - 2 seats to the annual IEEE of Northern Nevada Awards Banquet - A […]

Past Chairs/Awards Night

3232 North Arnoult Rd, Metairie, Louisiana, United States, 70002

It has been a tradition of the New Orleans Section of the IEEE for a number of years to invite all Past Section Chairs, along with the Past Chairs of its predecessor organizations, IRE and AIEE, to be our guests at a December meeting honoring their service to the Section. We will also use this […]

YP December Gaming Social

Bldg 5200 S Soda Rd, Spokane, WA, United States

Join the YP community with a fun evening of games, competition, and laughter! The LSS YP will be hosting our December networking social at the LAN Gaming Center located at the Boeing Center Tech Port. If you have any suggestions on a game(s) you would like to play, feel free to let us know! Our […]

Cena de fin de año, Continuación de tutoriales Concapan

Restaurante Summer, Detras del centro comercial metrocentro, Managua, Managua, Nicaragua, 14035

Únete a nosotros para cerrar el año en un ambiente de camaradería y aprendizaje durante nuestra Cena de Fin de Año y Continuación de Tutoriales CONCAPAN. Este evento especial combina lo mejor de la celebración y el conocimiento, reuniendo a miembros y voluntarios de IEEE para reflexionar sobre los logros alcanzados en 2024 y continuar […]

Cena de fin de año, Continuación de tutoriales Concapan

Restaurante Summer, Detras del centro comercial metrocentro, Managua, Managua, Nicaragua, 14035

Únete a nosotros para cerrar el año en un ambiente de camaradería y aprendizaje durante nuestra Cena de Fin de Año y Continuación de Tutoriales CONCAPAN. Este evento especial combina lo mejor de la celebración y el conocimiento, reuniendo a miembros y voluntarios de IEEE para reflexionar sobre los logros alcanzados en 2024 y continuar […]

YP Winter Pau Hana

Pitch Sports Bar, 685 Auahi St, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States, 96813

Come join us for our final Pau Hana of the year! Don't miss this opportunity to connect and have fun with your YP family! Dinner will be served and each attendee will receive one free drink ticket, attendance is limited to the first 30 registrants. Pitch Sports Bar, 685 Auahi St, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States, […]

Next-Gen AI: Harnessing Neuromorphic Computing for Intelligent Systems

Bldg 5200 S Soda Rd, Spokane, WA, United States

In the quest to break through the limitations of conventional computing paradigms, neuromorphic computing emerges as a revolutionary approach, inspired by the structure and functioning of the human brain. Neuromorphic computing seeks to mimic the neural architectures and operational principles of biological nervous systems to achieve promising levels of efficiency and adaptability. This talk delves […]

2024 HAMILTON SECTION ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING – Dec. 14 (Saturday) =>Registration Deadline extended to Dec. 10. Special guests: Dr. Tom Murad, President IEEE Canada. David Whyte, IEEE Canada Foundation, Chris Norris, Keynote Speaker.

Room: /Room Name: Royal Room, Bldg: Holiday Inn & Suites Oakville @ Bronte, 2525 Wyecroft Rd., Oakville, Ontario, Canada, L6L 6P8

You are cordially invited to attend the 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Hamilton Section taking place at Holiday Inn & Suites Oakville @ Bronte on Saturday, December 14, 2024 starting at 5:30 PM. UPDATE Special Guests/speakers confirmed: Dr. Tom Murad, President IEEE Canada. David H. Whyte, IEEE Canada Foundation. Chris Norris, Keynote Speaker […]


Room: Royal Room, Bldg: Holiday Inn & Suites Oakville @ Bronte, 2525 Wyecroft Rd., Oakville, Ontario, Canada, L6L 6P8

You are cordially invited to attend the 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Hamilton Section taking place at Holiday Inn & Suites Oakville @ Bronte on Friday, December 14, 2024 starting at 5:30 PM. Cost: $25 for IEEE members, $35 for guests, and $15 for student members. Registration deadline is December 7, 2024. Registration […]


Room: Sunroom, Bldg: Post Office Pub, 1 Ray St, North Grafton, Massachusetts, United States, 01536

Worcester County Section Holiday Party and Annual Election Please come celebrate the holidays with the IEEE Worcester County members and officers at the Annual Meeting and Holiday Banquet to be held in the Sunroom of the Post Office Pub in Grafton, MA on Saturday, December 14th, 2024. Starting at 6:30 pm is our Social time […]