IEEE YP Panel, Networking Mixer, and Talk
117 S Louise St Glendale, CA, United StatesIEEE YP Panel, Networking Mixer, and Technical Talk - 6:30pm-7:30pm - Leadership Panel with Q/A - 7:30pm-8:30pm - Networking and Collaboration - 8:30pm-10pm - Narek Gharibyan Technical Presentation with Q/A (Discovery of Element 117, validation, and inclusion on Mendeleev's Periodic Table, ( Why Attend? - Opportunity to learn about cutting-edge research. - Gain insights into […]
IEEE YP Panel, Networking Mixer, and Talk
117 S Louise St, Glendale, California, United StatesIEEE YP Panel, Networking Mixer, and Talk - 6pm-7pm - Leadership Panel with Q/A - 7pm-8pm - Networking and Collaboration - 8pm-9:30pm - Narek Gharibyan Technical Presentation with Q/A (Discovery of Element 117, validation, and inclusion on Mendeleev's Periodic Table, ( Why Attend? - Opportunity to learn about cutting-edge research. - Gain insights into various […]
Talent Booster
Room: Nivel 7 , Bldg: Auditorio , BINAES Biblioteca nacional de El Salvador , 4 Calle Ote., San Salvador, San Salvador, San Salvador, El Salvador, 0615IEEE Young Professionals Sección El Salvador te invita a: [] Hacemos un llamado a toda la comunidad de jóvenes a que puedan participar en el Talent Booster, un evento cuya finalidad es lograr discutir temas de interes en la actualidad a través de charlas impartidas por un panel de expertos en temas de innovación, tecnología, […]
Sesión 3 – Taller Redacción de Artículos Científicos – YP R9 – CONCAPAN 2024
Virtual: de Preparación para la Redacción de Artículos Científicos * Sesiones únicamente en Español * Evento organizado por: + IEEE Young Professionals (YP) Región 9 – Ing. Chris Flores, Perú + IEEE YP CAPANA – Ing. Andy Espinosa, Nicaragua + IEEE YP Costa Rica – Ing. Kevin Montoya, Costa Rica + IEEE CONCAPAN Costa Rica […]
IEEE Mandan Prairie West Golf Outing
2709 Longspur Trail, Mandan, North Dakota, United States, 58554IEEE golf event at Mandan Prairie West Golf course. 9 holes, I will try to get tee times around 5pm. 2709 Longspur Trail, Mandan, North Dakota, United States, 58554
Seminarios: “Herramientas de Inteligencia Artificial en Imágenes Médicas” – Seminario #3.
Virtual: CD de la rama en conjunto con el Capítulo EMBS de la Sección Argentina y la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba organizan una serie de seminarios sobre herramientas de IA aplicadas a imágenes. Docentes: Dr. Ing. Diego Sebastián Comas; Dr. Ing. Gustavo Javier Meschino; Lic. Agustín Amalfitano del Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas en […]
Seminarios: “Herramientas de Inteligencia Artificial en Imágenes Médicas” – Seminario #3.
Córdoba, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Virtual: CD de la rama en conjunto con el Capítulo EMBS de la Sección Argentina y la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba organizan una serie de seminarios sobre herramientas de IA aplicadas a imágenes. Docentes: Dr. Ing. Diego Sebastián Comas; Dr. Ing. Gustavo Javier Meschino; Lic. Agustín Amalfitano del Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas en […]
SEM Young Professionals Distinguished Lecturer Presentation: Advice for Young Researchers
Virtual: this talk, the presenter will provide advice to young researchers based on his experience of working with young researchers for more than 20 years. The advice is useful for young researchers in both industry and academia. Attention will be devoted to how to best build a career and choose directions when appropriate or needed. […]
IEEE NY Joint ComSoc & VTS Technology Forum: Signal processing for vehicular joint radar-communications
One Penn Plaza, 4th Floor, New York, New Jersey, United States, 10119, Virtual: this talk, we focus on the recent signal processing strategies and challenges associated with the development of sensing and communication systems that coexist with the vehicles and road infrastructure deployed in a given area. We consider a broad definition of coexistence, which covers joint communication and sensing, collaborative communication and sensing, and also interference. […]
YP June Social (Otaku Cafe)
7022 Bandera Rd, San Antonio, Texas, United States, 78238Join us for some games and networking at our June social at Otaku Cafe! The event is open to interested and current YP members. We will begin arriving at 5:30pm and so will the games! For any questions, feel free to contact us or join our discord server for more info (invite link below). Discord […]
Monthly IA-IL Section Social – June Third Friday Meet Up
Five Cities Brewery , Bettendorf, Iowa, United States, 52722"Cybersocial Third Friday" is a monthly reoccurring networking/social meetup hosted by the IEEE R4 Iowa-Illinois Section and Computer Society Chapter. Join us for social hour and see your friends and colleagues. Cybersocial is a monthly event held the third Friday of each month. You don't need to be a Computer Society member or even an […]
Winnipeg IEEE YP Summer Meet Up
Bldg: The Forks Market, 25 Forks Market Rd, , Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3C 4Y3Join us for a Meet Up at the Forks on Friday, June 21st at 7pm. Everyone is welcome! This is a free event with no registration required. Meet new people, catch up with friends, and get to know more about IEEE Young Professionals. Drinks and food are available for purchase. More specific location details will […]