CIS: Phenomenology Based Missile Classification using Radar Micro-Doppler Processing


This presentation will communicate new methods to measure the physical dimensions of structures of rotating objects observed by radar systems. Using a pure CW waveform, it is possible to dimension structures that are rotating in the Doppler dimension by exploiting Micro-doppler cyclic signal processing methods that allow for the replacement of absolute time with the […]

Day 3 "Satellite Conference Centres for International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2024, Yokohama, Japan, 14 – 16 May 2024"

Room: NA-203, Bldg: Nalanda Complex, IEEE Office, IIT Kharagpur, Kharagpur, West Bengal, India, 721302

Dear All, We are bringing the ICRA experience to roboticists around the world via remote Satellite Conference Centres. IEEE Kharagpur Section will act as a Satellite Conference Centre for ICRA 2024. This satellite conference centre is organized by IEEE Kharagpur Section in collaboration with IEEE YP AG Kharagpur Section. We welcome you all to register […]

Day 3 "Satellite Conference Centres for International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2024, Yokohama, Japan, 14 – 16 May 2024"

Room: NA-203, Bldg: Nalanda Complex, IEEE Office, IIT Kharagpur, Kharagpur, West Bengal, India, 721302

Dear All, We are bringing the ICRA experience to roboticists around the world via remote Satellite Conference Centres. IEEE Kharagpur Section will act as a Satellite Conference Centre for ICRA 2024. This satellite conference centre is organized by IEEE Kharagpur Section in collaboration with IEEE YP AG Kharagpur Section. We welcome you all to register […]

I Meeting of Engineering, Technology and Health (I Encontro de Engenharia, Tecnologia e Saúde)

Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brazil, Virtual:

The event held in partnership with the Professional Joint Chapter IEEE EMBS/EDS/MTT-S Central-North Brazil, the Graduate Program in Biomedical Engineering (PPGEB/FGA/UnB), the UnB Student Branch, the EMBS UnB Student Chapter, Wie UnB, IEEE Central-North Brazil Section, and other collaborators will enable interaction among the target audience, particularly with the participation of highly qualified speakers. Co-sponsored […]

IEEE NY Joint ComSoc & VTS Technology Forum : Technological advances of Security Cameras for the Vehicular and Mass Transit Industry

One Penn Plaza, 4th Floor, New York, New York, United States, 10119, Virtual:

In this talk, we will discuss technology and modern day application of security cameras in today’s Metro society. We will focus on examples of Hanwha’s eco system of products such as single and multi-sensor security cameras. We will also discuss edge based second generation Artificial Intelligence used to reduce false alarms, enhance detection while increasing […]

IEEE PCJS DL “Continuum Robots” by Prof. Dr. Burgner-Kahrs


Hello, Webex PCNJ invites you to join this WebEx meeting. IEEE PCJS DL “Continuum Robots” by Prof. Dr. Burgner-Kahrs Thursday, May 16, 2024 6:45 pm | Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00) | 2 hrs ( Meeting number: 2533 281 0850 Meeting password: 3ZRmzc Join from a video conferencing system or application Dial […]

The Unintentional Business Owner


Learn how this former team player started her own company, got plenty of work, and discovered the joy of running her own business. You’ll learn the steps she used to start her business, and how she got plenty of work to keep it going. Speaker(s): Theresa, Virtual:

Celebración por el día del Internet

Room: Coworking StartUPS Cuenca, Bldg: Juan Bottasso, Calle Vieja 12-30, Av. Turuhuayco, Cuenca, Azuay, Ecuador, 010202

¡🌐 Únete a nuestro conversatorio sobre el Día del Internet! 🚀 ¿Cuándo? 🗓️ 17 de mayo de 2024 ¿Hora? ⏰ 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM ¿Dónde? 📍 Coworking StartUPS Cuenca En este encuentro, exploraremos cómo el internet está transformando nuestra sociedad, conectando a las personas y creando nuevas oportunidades. 💡 ¡Discutiremos temas 🔍 como: Tips […]

Monthly IA-IL Section Social #2024 – May Third Friday Meet Up

Five Cities Brewery , Bettendorf, Iowa, United States, 52722

"Cybersocial Third Friday" is a monthly reoccurring networking/social meetup hosted by the IEEE R4 Iowa-Illinois Section and Computer Society Chapter. Join us for social hour and see your friends and colleagues. Cybersocial is a monthly event held the third Friday of each month. You don't need to be a Computer Society member or even an […]

IEEE Denver Picnic Party – Celebrating 109 Years

Bldg: Picnic Site 1, Bear Creek Park 1, Denver, Colorado, United States, 80227

Did you know that this May 18th, IEEE has been in Denver for 109 years? To celebrate it, we are hosting a picnic party for IEEE members, family, and friends! We will be providing food, drinks, desserts (read: cake), games, and prizes - Come meet other engineers in the area! Time: Saturday, May 18, 2024 […]

Overleaf Workshop in 2024

Room: Medium Lecture Room, Bldg: Graduate School of Information Sciences, 6-6, Aramaki Aoba, Aoba, , Sendai, Miyagi, Japan, 980-8579 , Virtual:

(Note that this event is held only in Japanese.) Overleaf is an online LaTeX editor that can be used in a browser and does not require a complex environment to build. The goal is to have the first opportunity to introduce Overleaf, where you can collaboratively edit an IEEE article template and understand how to […]

Overleaf Workshop in 2024

Room: Medium Lecture Room, Bldg: Graduate School of Information Sciences, 6-6, Aramaki Aoba, Aoba, , Sendai, Miyagi, Japan, 980-8579 , Virtual:

Overleaf is an online LaTeX editor that can be used in a browser and does not require a complex environment to build. The goal is to have the first opportunity to introduce Overleaf, where you can collaboratively edit an IEEE article template and understand how to use it easily. Note that this event is held […]