CIR & CIS: How to Design a Product that Actually Works
Virtual: How to Design a Product that Actually Works Abstract: Many electronic products just don’t work very well. The products are full of both hardware and software bugs and often fail right out of the box or within a few weeks. Then the product joins millions of other pieces of junk in the landfill. Learn […]
CIR & CIS: How to Design a Product that Actually Works
Virtual: How to Design a Product that Actually Works Abstract: Many electronic products just don’t work very well. The products are full of both hardware and software bugs and often fail right out of the box or within a few weeks. Then the product joins millions of other pieces of junk in the landfill. Learn […]
Welcome cocktail at IEEE Ecuadorian Technical Chapter Meeting 2024
Bldg: Hotel Oro Verde, Av. Ordoñez Lasso, Cuenca, Azuay, EcuadorFecha y Hora: Miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2024
18:00 – 00:00 Lugar:
Universidad de Cuenca Campus Balzay - Hotel Oro Verde, Cuenca, Ecuador Este evento contará con una agenda increíble que comenzará con un tour por la ciudad y una presentación teatral que abordará el impacto de la tecnología en el […]
IEEE OC Young Professionals – Pickleball Rooftop Event
The Westin South Coast Plaza, Costa Mesa, 686 Anton Blvd, Costa Mesa, California, United States, 92626Pickleball Rooftop Event hosted by the IEEE Orange County Young Professionals Affinity Group Join us for a night of fun while we play some pickleball at a rooftop court. [] Since it's the first time we are holding this event, there are no mandatory fees to attend and participate, but suggested donations are encouraged. TIckets […]
IEEE YP Costa Rica – Noche de Boliche YP
Boliche Dent, Barrio Dent, San Pedro, San Jose, Costa Rica[] El comité Young Professionals (YP) de IEEE Sección Costa Rica le invita a una Noche de Boliche para conocernos y compartir. Detalles del evento: - Fecha: Miércoles 16 de Octubre - 8pm - Lugar: Boliche Dent, San Pedro, Costa Rica - Ubicación: Actividades: - 2 horas de boliche en grupos - Zapatos especiales […]
IEEE YP Costa Rica – Noche de Boliche YP
Boliche Dent, Barrio Dent, San Pedro, San Jose, Costa Rica[] El comité Young Professionals (YP) de IEEE Sección Costa Rica le invita a una Noche de Boliche para conocernos y compartir. Detalles del evento: - Fecha: Miércoles 16 de Octubre - 8pm - Lugar: Boliche Dent, San Pedro, Costa Rica - Ubicación: Actividades: - 2 horas de boliche en grupos - Zapatos especiales […]
IEEE Palouse Section & IEEE Palouse YP Fall Social and Networking Event 2024
Room: Reception Gallery, 1912 Center, 412 E 3rd St, Moscow, Idaho, United States, 83843This is a wonderful chance to; - Connect with fellow professionals in your field. - Fostering relationships that can lead to exciting collaborations. - Expand your professional network and engage with the IEEE community. - Learn about IEEE Membership benefits and Opportunities with Volunteering with the section. Special Discussions and Information: - Learn about IEEE […]
IEEE OC Young Professionals – Pickeball Rooftop Event
The Westin South Coast Plaza, Costa Mesa, 686 Anton Blvd, Costa Mesa, California, United States, 92626Pickleball Rooftop Event hosted by the IEEE Orange County Young Professionals Affinity Group Join us for a night of fun while we play some pickleball at a rooftop court. [] Since it's the first time we are holding this event, there are no mandatory fees to attend and participate, but suggested donations are encouraged. TIckets […]
IEEE YP Social October 17
1902 E 6th St, Austin, Texas, United States, 78702Join IEEE YP for a social night of professional networking. 1902 E 6th St, Austin, Texas, United States, 78702
IngenIEEEría Costa Rica 2024
Hotel Crowne Plaza Sabana (Corobicí), Sabana Norte, Sabana Norte, San Jose, Costa RicaIngenIEEEría Costa Rica 2024 La educación y la ingeniería desempeñan un papel fundamental en el desarrollo económico de los países, aplicando la ciencia y la tecnología para aumentar la riqueza y mejorar el nivel de vida de la población. En esta segunda edición del evento IngenIEEEría Costa Rica, la Sección IEEE Costa Rica brinda a […]
IngenIEEEría Costa Rica 2024
Hotel Crowne Plaza Sabana (Corobicí), Sabana Norte, Sabana Norte, San Jose, Costa RicaIngenIEEEría Costa Rica 2024 Hotel Crowne Plaza Sabana (Corobicí), Sabana Norte, Sabana Norte, San Jose, Costa Rica
Resume & Interview Workshop
Room: 1030, Bldg: eFactory, 405 N Jefferson Ave, Springfield, Missouri, United States, 65806Gain hands-on interview experience, receive expert resume building tips and feedback, and enjoy free food with local industry professionals. Room: 1030, Bldg: eFactory, 405 N Jefferson Ave, Springfield, Missouri, United States, 65806