Miembros del CD de la rama realizaron una reunión virtual: Análisis de cronograma y organización de actividades para RNR+YP en Argencon 2024. Tareas de la reunión pasada: - Revisar reporte imágenes Vtools. Están cargados y reportados. Ver si agregamos alguna imagen. - Informe de coffee chat por funding: Report Deadline: Reports must be submitted within […]
El IEEE Day es una celebración para conmemorar la primera vez en la historia en que los ingenieros de todo el mundo y miembros del IEEE se reunieron para compartir sus ideas técnicas en 1884 ((https://enotice.mmsend.com/link.cfm?r=D7WDEO5K6FW7WBa2Fxb7og~~&pe=2Col6Zdxlq3zBEfBCfDedT7qaw6jAIos9Z_mOeocHVJMDNndtCdr_GhlBR8cf22SredVUbpmHjT6qgSJMmgcVA~~&t=b0xU8Chd4nxRznc5Abuq9w~~)) En esta ocasión la IEEE Sección Monterrey en conjunto con las IEEE Ramas Estudiantiles del Tecnológico de Monterrey, Universidad […]
IEEE Day Event Title: Athlete Engineering: Developing a Thriving Interdisciplinary R&D Environment Speaker: David Saucier, Research Engineer, Athlete Engineering Institute (AEI), Mississippi State University Free Pizza and drink will be provided. Date: 1 Oct 2024 Time: 12:00 pm - 01:00 pm Location: In-person attendees: Room 813, ORED Building, 301 Research Blvd, Starkville, MS 39759 (Please […]
Join the IEEE student branch at the University of Nevada for our first IEEE Day event in Northern Nevada! We will kick off the event with a panel discussion including officers of the Professional, Young Professional, Power & Energy, and Student sections in Northern Nevada where we discuss the projects that we have rolled out […]
Welcome to the Biggest National Career Event of Canada[] This event is organized during Spring (April) and Fall (October) every year by the l’Événement Carrières in the vibrant city of Montreal. This Fall, we are thrilled to announce that it will be organized in partnership with IEEE Young Professionals (YP) Montreal and GENIUM360, ensuring unparalleled […]
- Promote technological entrepreneurship among recent computer and technological engineering graduates. - Facilitate connections between companies and technological startups founded by recent computer and technological engineering graduates. - Provide mentorship in technological entrepreneurship by experts in the field. - Inspire undergraduate students to create their own startups through the success stories of recent technological entrepreneurs. […]
- Promote technological entrepreneurship among recent computer and technological engineering graduates. - Facilitate connections between companies and technological startups founded by recent computer and technological engineering graduates. - Provide mentorship in technological entrepreneurship by experts in the field. - Inspire undergraduate students to create their own startups through the success stories of recent technological entrepreneurs. […]
The IEEE Day organised by the New Zealand Central Section will be a combination of the Life Members, Young Professional, and Women in Engineering Affinity Group events. All are welcome! Date & Time: 4:00-7:30pm, 2 October Venue: LT301, Kirk Building, Victoria University of Wellington, Kelburn 6012 Zoom link: https://vuw.zoom.us/j/96595912795 Details: - The New Zealand Joint […]
The Georgia Tech Research Institute's (GTRI) IDENTIFY Employee Resource Group invites you to attend our resume review expo. Please register and attend if you are interested in networking with the GTRI community and get an extra pair of eyes to sharpen your resume in the process. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional details, parking information, and a registration form […]
Delivering thousands of amps to the next generation of high-speed digital designs is fast becoming the biggest design challenge for the next generation of custom multi-die packages, AI Chips, and cloud server applications. End-to-end power integrity digital twins with multiphase voltage regulators, PCB PDN with 100’s of capacitors, and dynamic loads are critical for mitigating […]
Overview: In the high-stakes world of large corporate IT, conducting a Request-for-Proposal (RFP) for an enterprise system is like orchestrating a symphony of diverse stakeholders, intricate technical requirements, and strategic business objectives. Join Winnie Lai-Fong as she shares the art and science behind executing a win-win RFP process that satisfies both internal stakeholders and potential […]
IEEEDay 2024 -- 140 años IEEE + Aniversario 38 Sección IEEE Costa Rica Hotel Crowne Plaza Sabana (Corobicí), Sabana Norte, Sabana Norte, San Jose, Costa Rica
IEEEDay 2024 -- 140 años IEEE + Aniversario 38 Sección IEEE Costa Rica Hotel Crowne Plaza Sabana (Corobicí), Sabana Norte, Sabana Norte, San Jose, Costa Rica
NASA Space Apps is an innovation and public engagement program under NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. NASA Space Apps aims to promote transparency, participation, and global collaboration as part of the Open Government Initiative by sharing openly available data supplied through NASA and its Space Agency Partners to the public. NASA Space Apps is composed of […]
Los comités de Actividades Estudiantiles (SAC), Jóvenes Profesionales (YP), y Mujeres en Ingeniería (WIE), les invita a la Reunión Nacional de Ramas Estudiantiles IEEE Costa Rica 2024, que se llevará a cabo el próximo sábado 5 de octubre. Este encuentro es una excelente oportunidad para fortalecer la comunidad IEEE, aprender, y compartir con otros miembros […]
Los comités de Actividades Estudiantiles (SAC), Jóvenes Profesionales (YP), y Mujeres en Ingeniería (WIE), les invita a la Reunión Nacional de Ramas Estudiantiles IEEE Costa Rica 2024, que se llevará a cabo el próximo sábado 5 de octubre. Este encuentro es una excelente oportunidad para fortalecer la comunidad IEEE, aprender, y compartir con otros miembros […]
Tropic Topic Tour 2024 es un evento único que reúne a distintas ramas de la Sección Caribe Colombiano del IEEE y se llevará a cabo en Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Sede Montería, Auditorio Juan Bedoya. Este evento es un espacio donde se encuentran estudiantes, profesionales y voluntarios de toda la costa colombiana para generar y compartir […]
This course is aimed at young professionals and recent graduates who seek to improve the presentation of their curriculum vitae for both scholarship applications and job opportunities. The workshop will be held over two sessions, focusing on key topics for creating a clear, concise CV that aligns with the requirements of various calls for applications. […]
O evento visa discutir o empoderamento das mulheres na carreira (academia e indústria) visando divulgar oportunidades de crescimento conjunto. Palestrantes: Paula Vicente, Sofia Falco, Hortência Victor, Tatiane Martins e Erika Oliveira. Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/437402
📢 Attention young professionals and future IEEE professionals!✨ We invite you to the "I Symposium IEEE YP Peru," a high-impact event organized by IEEE YP Peru Section Affinity Group within the framework of the celebration of IEEE Day. Don't miss this opportunity to connect and grow! ✨ What will you be able to do? 🤝 […]
A key measure of a productive tech ecosystem is the successful transition of new graduates from academia into industry. With academia focusing on building a broader knowledge base, industry-readiness of students for a successful transition necessitates dynamically evolving industry-academia collaborations. This 2-event series initiated by IEEE Women in Engineering Rochester focuses on working with local […]
Apresentação: O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica (PPGEL), em parceria com o CEFET-MG, obteve conceito 4 na CAPES e teve seu doutorado aprovado em 2023. Durante o congresso Brasileiro de Automática (CBA), entre 15 e 18 de outubro, os pesquisadores do PPGEL/UFSJ apresentarão 31 trabalhos. Nessa mostra científica, parte deles (15 discentes) fará uma […]
Palestrante: Igor Delgado de Melo Biografia: Atualmente é professor adjunto na Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF), com atuação na Graduação (Faculdade de Engenharia) e no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica (PPEE) em atividades de ensino, pesquisa e extensão. Possui graduação (2014), mestrado (2015), doutorado (2018) pela UFJF. Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/437413
YP Visits UMIEEE! Join us for dinner at Degrees at UofM then for a visit to the UMIEEE Lab/Lounge for games/networking. In order to reserve enough seats for dinner, please register for this event or email Jolene at [email protected]. Bldg: University Center, 65 Chancellors Cir, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3T 2N2
YP Visits UMIEEE! Join us for dinner at Degrees at UofM then for a visit to the UMIEEE Lab/Lounge for games/networking. In order to reserve enough seats for dinner, please register for this event or email Jolene at [email protected]. Bldg: University Center, 65 Chancellors Cir, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3T 2N2
IEEE Mentorship & Mentee Mixer and Talk 6pm-7pm - Job Search Strategies and Resume Improvement Presentation with Q/A 7pm-8:30pm - Networking and Collaboration Event Impact Includes: 1. Expand professional network by meeting fellow scientists, engineers, researchers, and professionals from diverse backgrounds and institutions. 2. Gain mentorship and guidance from experienced professionals regarding career development, and […]
Hosted by IEEE-USA in Collaboration with IEEE Region 3 Young Professionals --------------------------------------------------------------- [] Join (https://ieeeusa.org) and (https://www.facebook.com/ieeer3yp/) for an evening of fun, networking, food, beverages, and swag as we hold our first Charlotte BrewPub Social at Graham St. Pub & Patio - voted one of the (https://www.cntraveler.com/gallery/best-bars-in-charlotte)by Conde Nast Traveler. This Brewpub Social is exclusive […]
Speaker Details Dr. Martin Margala Professor of Computer Science Director of School of Computing and Informatics Endowed Chair of Computer Science Eminent Scholar Fulbright Distinguished Chair Room: 215, Bldg: H L Griffin Hall, Rex Street, Lafayette, Louisiana, United States, 70503
Speaker Details Dr. Martin Margala Professor of Computer Science Director of School of Computing and Informatics Endowed Chair of Computer Science Eminent Scholar Fulbright Distinguished Chair Room: 215, Bldg: H L Griffin Hall, Rex Street, Lafayette, Louisiana, United States, 70503
"Tour National Grid's Gardenville 115kV Station" Please join us for a tour of our newly built Gardenville 115kV Station. A maximum of 25 personnel will be accepted. Reservations by Monday, October 7th at 4 pm with Steve Rhoads by e-mail at: [email protected] Safety: The substation is energized and you will be escorted by a qualified […]
"Tour National Grid's Gardenville 115kV Station" Please join us for a tour of our newly built Gardenville 115kV Station. A maximum of 25 personnel will be accepted. Reservations by Monday, October 7th at 4 pm with Steve Rhoads by e-mail at: [email protected] Safety: The substation is energized and you will be escorted by a qualified […]
IEEE Southeast Michigan Young Professionals Affinity Group Election Committee Meeting Agenda: Agenda is emailed to team prior to meeting occurrence. Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/438783
2ª Reunião Seccional dos Ramos Estudantis e dos Jovens Profissionais da Seção IEEE Minas Gerais Promoção: SAC IEEE Minas Gerais, Ramo Estudantil IEEE da UFSJ, YP, WIE Profissional Participação: Ramos Estudantis (UFJF, UFSJ, UFMG), Ramos em Processo de Petição (UFOP, CEFET-MG), YP, WIE Profissional Link de Inscrição: https://bit.ly/RSRMG2024 Link do Folder: https://bit.ly/folderrsrmg2024vf Agenda: Link de […]
Palestrante: Paulo Fernando Ribeiro Biografia: Possui graduação em Engenharia Elétrica pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (1975), Especialização pelo Power Technologies Inc. (PTI) 1979, Schenectady, New York, USA, doutorado em Electrical Engineering - University of Manchester, Inglaterra (1985), MBA pelo Lynchburg University, Virginia, USA (2000). Atualmente é Professor Titular-Livre na Universidade Federal de Itajubá, Itajubá, MG […]
Componentes: Paulo Fernando Ribeiro, João Lucas de Castro Santos e Rodolfo Antônio Ribeiro de Moura. Biografia: a) Paulo Fernando Ribeiro: Possui graduação em Engenharia Elétrica pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (1975), Especialização pelo Power Technologies Inc. (PTI) 1979, Schenectady, New York, USA, doutorado em Electrical Engineering - University of Manchester, Inglaterra (1985), MBA pelo Lynchburg […]
INDUSTRIAL SITE VISIT TO TRANSALTA'S HORSESHOE AND KANANASKIS HYDROELECTRIC FACILITIES. Dress Code: Long sleeve shirt or coat and closed-toed shoes suitable for walking. Safety gear: Hard hats, safety glasses and ear plugs will be provided for the tour. Availability: Number of planned participants is limited to a maximum of 25, on a first come first […]
Presentation: How to Design a Product that Actually Works Abstract: Many electronic products just don’t work very well. The products are full of both hardware and software bugs and often fail right out of the box or within a few weeks. Then the product joins millions of other pieces of junk in the landfill. Learn […]
Presentation: How to Design a Product that Actually Works Abstract: Many electronic products just don’t work very well. The products are full of both hardware and software bugs and often fail right out of the box or within a few weeks. Then the product joins millions of other pieces of junk in the landfill. Learn […]
Am I eligible to become an IEEE Senior Member? What are the benefits of becoming an IEEE Senior Member? How do I apply to become and IEEE Senior Member? This event shares with the participants the benefits of being an IEEE Senior Member, the requirements and the process to apply for it. This event also […]
This is a wonderful chance to; - Connect with fellow professionals in your field. - Fostering relationships that can lead to exciting collaborations. - Expand your professional network and engage with the IEEE community. - Learn about IEEE Membership benefits and Opportunities with Volunteering with the section. Special Discussions and Information: - Learn about IEEE […]
Pickleball Rooftop Event hosted by the IEEE Orange County Young Professionals Affinity Group Join us for a night of fun while we play some pickleball at a rooftop court. [] Since it's the first time we are holding this event, there are no mandatory fees to attend and participate, but suggested donations are encouraged. TIckets […]
IngenIEEEría Costa Rica 2024 La educación y la ingeniería desempeñan un papel fundamental en el desarrollo económico de los países, aplicando la ciencia y la tecnología para aumentar la riqueza y mejorar el nivel de vida de la población. En esta segunda edición del evento IngenIEEEría Costa Rica, la Sección IEEE Costa Rica brinda a […]
Gain hands-on interview experience, receive expert resume building tips and feedback, and enjoy free food with local industry professionals. Room: 1030, Bldg: eFactory, 405 N Jefferson Ave, Springfield, Missouri, United States, 65806
IEEE Madras Young Professionals is excited to announce that the Volunteer Leadership Training Program (VoLT) is to bring awareness about leadership and the opportunities that are available in volunteering and to bring out the skill set of individual volunteers. Join the Volunteer Leadership Training Program (VOLT), specially brought for young minds by the IEEE Madras […]
We invite you to join us for the Preliminary Design Review (PDR) of the Cleveland State University NASA Lunabotics project, where the team will present their design concepts and development plans. The Mechanical, Electrical, and Computer subteams will showcase their specific design components and discuss their approach to building the system. The purpose of the […]
Ideathon for students to improve their system design and, pitching skills, and connect with industry professionals to enhance their professional network. Room: Room 755 , 25 Park Place, ATLANTA, Georgia, United States
Modules • Advanced packaging technologies and high-speed applications • Frequency and time domain signals • Network parameters and application to broadband applications • Fundamentals of EM and applications to package and PCB • Hands on training on 3D modeling software • High-speed measurements (Calibration, post processing…) • Introduction to system sims (IBIS-AMI, eye…) • Format: […]
Networking Night hosted by the IEEE Orange County Section Join us for some delicious pizza and meet other IEEE members in person at our monthly networking event at Sgt Pepperoni's Pizza Store in Irvine! Pizza & water will be provided free of charge. Please register with your IEEE # to allow for proper planning. (Include […]
Networking Night hosted by the IEEE Orange County Section Join us for some delicious pizza and meet other IEEE members in person at our monthly networking event at Sgt Pepperoni's Pizza Store in Irvine! Pizza & water will be provided free of charge. Please register with your IEEE # to allow for proper planning. (Include […]
Oil & Gas UPS Application “Lithium or Sodium? – Which One Do I Use?” This presentation will dive into the comparisons between Lithium Ion (Li-Ion) vs Sodium Metal Chloride (SMC) batteries for Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) systems in the Oil & Gas industry. Agenda Presentation to be hosted Virtually. Speaker(s): Roy Cosse, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/440508
(https://www.linkedin.com/in/janislley/) é graduado em Engenharia da Computação pela UFPB e mestre em Engenharia Elétrica pela UFAM, onde atualmente cursa o doutorado, com foco na área de verificação e segurança de sistemas. Membro do IEEE desde 2016, tem participado de diversos projetos de inovação e formado no programa IEEE VoLT. Foi premiado com o IEEE MGA […]
You are invited to join us for our free in-person networking event! This event is an excellent opportunity for people at various stages of their careers to meet, socialize and connect in a relaxed atmosphere out of the office. IEEE Members as well as non-members are welcome and we encourage all students to come out […]
You are invited to join us for our free in-person networking event! This event is an excellent opportunity for people at various stages of their careers to meet, socialize and connect in a relaxed atmosphere out of the office. IEEE Members as well as non-members are welcome and we encourage all students to come out […]
IEEE Ins and Outs of Employment Law for Employees and Networking 6pm-7pm – Employment Law Presentation with Q/A 7pm-8:30pm - Networking and Collaboration - Expand professional network by meeting fellow scientists, engineers, researchers, and professionals from diverse backgrounds and institutions. - Gain a fundamental understanding of Employment Law, Anti-Discriminatory Law, and Non-Competes, NDA’s, Workplace Safety. […]
(https://www.linkedin.com/in/isabel-giannecchini/) é mestranda em Sistemas Mecatrônicos pela Universidade de Brasília e trabalha em uma grande empresa. Durante sua graduação e no mestrado enfrentou diveros desafios e fez um excelente trabalho para chegar onde está hoje. Foi presidente do capítulo (https://www.linkedin.com/company/ieee-cis-unb/), criou um projeto de extensão e ganhou três prêmios antes de se formar. Hoje, ela […]
IEEE South Saskatchewan is hosting its networking and escape room event hosted at Escape Manor located at 1975 Broad St, Regina, SK S4P 1Y1 on Tuesday, Oct 29, 2024 IEEE Members: Free to attend IEEE member can bring one guest free of cost non-IEEE Members: $15 Please register on vTools. Registration is mandatory. Cash can […]
As a critical infrastructure, the electric energy system is undergoing an unprecedented transition towards sustainability. While the integration of renewables, responsive “smart” loads, and remote control techniques improves economics and sustainability, it also poses significant challenges to grid stability and dynamics. The traditional approach of using differential-algebraic equations to model power system components faces challenges […]
As a critical infrastructure, the electric energy system is undergoing an unprecedented transition towards sustainability. While the integration of renewables, responsive “smart” loads, and remote control techniques improves economics and sustainability, it also poses significant challenges to grid stability and dynamics. The traditional approach of using differential-algebraic equations to model power system components faces challenges […]
Section ExCom Meeting Agenda: - Call to Order - Acceptance of Agenda - Acceptance of Previous Minutes - Section Update •Engineering Gala •Board Game Night was cancelled due to food policy •Senior Member Information Night •Escape Room •IEEE Xtreme (Student Branch) •AGM •Bowling? - Financial Update •Systems are operational again, and expenses have been approved […]
We held a meeting for 'Japan YP Career Lab 2024.' Co-sponsored by: Japan Council Agenda: - Event overview - Affiliated event: Kansai YP 10th Anniv. Event (tentative) - Career Lab 2024 - Budget for 2 events - Upcoming schedules/todos Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/441775
The journey to Net Zero is well underway, and the achievement of this target requires continued deployment of renewable energy assets around the world. This talk will cover the challenges and opportunities associated with this shift in the global economy, with a particular focus on Australia and Queensland. Paul will share learnings from the projects […]
We will be hosting industry professionals that will guide students about navigating industry, a Career Panel for students to ask questions, and a Networking Session for students to network and make connections. Agenda (Sequoia Hall 104) 8:30 - 9:00: Registration and Networking 9:00 - 9:15: Welcome and Introductions 9:15 – 9:25: Welcoming remarks 9:30 - […]
Enhance your knowledge of Emerging Technologies with tracks in: Engineering in Medicine Power, Energy & Electronics Communications & Computing Professional Development "Power Skills" (https://site.ieee.org/baltimore/technical-colloquium-landing-page/baltimore-technical-colloquium-program/) PDH/CEU credits will be available for attendees of the Power, Energy & Electronics and Communications & Computing sessions. Interested in the member rate? Join us at: https://www.ieee.org/membership/join/index.html Late Registration Grad or […]