• GOLD at the 2013 IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Symposium

    April, 12 2022, Robert Sacks

    Greetings, and welcome to GOLD EMC news! At the 2013 IEEE EMC Symposium in Denver, GOLDies were very busy between the Ice Cream Social, the Ethics in Engineering sessions, and all the raffles. I was delighted to see the majority of the GOLD members who attended the symposium stop by the GOLD table to say hello and of course, collect their raffle tickets and lovely mugs. Over 20 GOLDies attended each event.

    Chocolate winners Matt Juszczyk (left) and Chijoke Obiekezie (right) with Caroline Chan (middle) at the 2013 IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Symposium Ice Cream Social
    I would like to thank our special speaker, Louann Devine from the Chicago Chapter, who presented remarks during the Ice Cream Social on the evening of Tuesday, August 6th. I also congratulate her on receiving a Certificate of Appreciation from the IEEE EMC Society Board of Directors, who presented her this prestigious award for acting as

    Sandra Hernandez (EMC Student Representative) and Caroline Chan (GOLD EMC Representative) at the 2013 IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Symposium Ice Cream Social
    program manager, lead instructor, and content coordinator for the IEEE EMC Society Chicago Chapter classes on Electromagnetic Compatibility at the Illinois Institute of Technology in January of 2013. This program was well-received and generated much publicity for the IEEE EMC Society around educational assistance and membership development at the student level. Louann’s energy and knowledge inspires all of us to further educate ourselves by reaching out to our communities. You can find her biography in the GOLD article inside the Spring 2013 issue of EMC Magazine.

    Angela Adams briefing a case at the Ethics in Engineering discussion, 2013 IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Symposium
    On Wednesday August 7th 2013, we had our GOLD luncheon. Elya Joffe presented on Ethics in Engineering and discussed the IEEE Code of Ethics. GOLDies savored the gourmet food from Bubba Gump Shrimp and enjoyed the infectious enthusiasm of the speaker for doing the right thing and making wise engineering decisions. As an exercise, the audience was asked to identify where the Code of Ethics was broken in two cases, separating into two teams with each taking a turn to present their case.

    If you’re in the mood for a brain teaser, meet Hung-Chuan
    Chen from Taiwan and check out his article on “Suppression of RF Interference Using
    Balanced Filter in Communication System” at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6623299.

    Article contributed by Caroline Chan, IEEE EMC Society GOLD Representative

    Ethics in Engineering and GOLD Luncheon participants at the 2013 IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Symposium