IEEE Members have limited free time.

Some of the participants might have been active IEEE volunteers during their student days, but with the shift to work and managing their careers, they find it challenging to maintain the same level of involvement as a volunteer. Others have been IEEE members for years, but have never tried volunteering, and would like to start somewhere small. The IEEE Volunteering platform addresses such needs, by introducing a degree of flexibility to volunteering within IEEE. Through this platform, Young Professionals will be able to advertise and search for volunteering opportunities, be it short- or long-term, local or remote, or requiring different skills.

The new IEEE Volunteering platform enables current IEEE volunteers to share volunteering opportunities, recruit new team members, and manage their volunteer teams. It also provides a new capability to IEEE members to browse available volunteering gigs and apply for those that interest them, automatically generate their volunteering CV, and collect feedback and endorsements from the volunteer leadership.

Click here for the IEEE Volunteering Marketing Toolkit, which includes: Marketing Images, Sample Copy for Social Media and Emails, and Informational Slides Decks.

For more information about IEEE Volunteering, please visit the IEEE Volunteering Platform or contact us at