Young Professionals Hall of Fame Award

The award is meant to recognize active and inspiring Young Professional Affinity Groups and Society Groups worldwide, based on their activities. Up to two Affinity Groups and two Society Groups receive the award every year. The winner will receive a plaque providing the citation for the award granted by the IEEE Young Professionals and $500 USD cash prize designated for the winning Young Professionals for future activities. Please note that groups that have won the IEEE Young Professionals Hall of Fame Award in the past 3 years are not eligible to win this year. Main factors taken into account during evaluation of submitted nominations include:

  • Vitality of the group measured in the amount and quality of organized activities. These activities shall have an important impact on the Young Professional community
  • Collaboration with other IEEE units in order to facilitate engagement of members of all grades
  • Collaboration with industry and academia
  • New inspiring ideas that help grow the local Young Professionals community
  • Click here for full award selection criteria details
  • Use your IEEE Member account credentials to access the nomination form

2023 Winners:

  • IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society
  • IEEE Computer Society
  • North Saskatchewan YP Affinity Group (Region 7)
  • Uttar Pradesh YP Affinity Group (Region 10)

2022 Winners:

  • Tunisia Section YP Affinity Group (Region 8)
  • IEEE Nanotechnology Council

2021 Winners:

  • Kerala Section YP Affinity Group (Region 10)
  • Panama Section YP Affinity Group (Region 9)
  • IEEE Circuits and Systems Society
  • IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society

2020 Winners

  • Sri Lanka Section YP Affinity Group (Region 10)
  • Ottawa Section YP Affinity Group (Region 7)
  • Microwave Theory and Techniques Society
  • Solid-State Circuits Society

2019 Winners

  • Argentina Section (Region 9)
  • Ecuador Section (Region 9)
  • Industrial Electronics Society
  • Sensors Council

2018 Winners

  • Poland Section (Region 8)
  • Bahia Section (Region 9)
  • Power and Energy Society
  • Power Electronics Society

2017 Winners

  • Bangalore Section (Region 10)
  • Costa Rica Section (Region 9)
  • Jordan Section (Region 8)

2016 Winners

  • Egypt Section (Region 8)
  • Kerala Section (Region 10)
  • Tokyo Section (Region 10)

2015 Winners

  • Southern Alberta Section (Region 7)
  • Lahore Section (Region 10)
  • Argentina Section (Region 9)

2014 Winners

  • Santa Clara Valley Section (Region 6)
  • Croatia Section (Region 8)

2013 Winners

  • Tunisia Section (Region 8)
  • Nicaragua Section (Region 9)
  • Toronto Section (Region 7)

2012 Winners:

  • Egypt Section (Region 8)
  • Kerala Section (Region 10)
  • New Zealand North Section (Region 10)

2011 Winners

  • Finland Section (Region 8)
  • Malaysia Section (Region 10)
  • Lahore Section (Region 10)