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YP Leadership Wiki

Plug into one of the most powerful networks within IEEE.This wiki incorporates suggestions from the Society/Council YP reps, Technical Activities Staff and Young Professionals Committee Members.

YP Volunteers Directory

Make great connections with IEEE Volunteers from your home country and around the world.

YP Executive Committe

The executive team works closely with its volunteer representatives in each of the 10 IEEE Regions and over 30 IEEE Technical Societies to ensure that the quality of the program worldwide is consistent among local IEEE Young Professional Affinity Groups, IEEE Regions, and IEEE Technical Societies.

YP members are in the lab, in the field, and in the office

Recent Updates

Career Craft Workshop

Contributed by Sunny Arokia Swamy B The Charlotte YP (Young Professionals) and UNCC (University of North Carolina at Charlotte) Student Chapter collaborated to organize a...

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