• Welcome from the 2013 MGA GOLD Chair

    April, 12 2022, Robert Sacks

    Dear GOLDen members,

    It is my pleasure to welcome you to another exciting year ahead in 2013. I am excited to have the opportunity to be a part of shaping your GOLD membership experience and am grateful for the generosity of spirit shown by our volunteers and the support of IEEE staff.

    Allow me to introduce myself.

    I live in one of the world’s most isolated cities in the world – a place called Perth located in Western Australia. I work in the power industry as a power systems planning engineer and have qualifications in electrical engineering and computer science. My IEEE journey started back in 2004 when I first became a student member without any thought or regard as to where I might end up. I decided to volunteer as an IEEE member in 2005 and have never looked back. I enjoy the global community that IEEE provides and the new skills that I learn from being involved with IEEE events.

    The IEEE GOLD team is mostly comprised of volunteers from around the world, different walks of life and timezones. We would also invite you to ask us about how you can become involved with helping other people and share in the spirit of giving. For many, it is a life changing and rewarding experience.

    I invite you to experience the many benefits of IEEE GOLD other than GOLDRush, including our webinar series program and our mentoring connection. I also encourage you to connect with your local GOLD and IEEE Section community events. In this newsletter, you will see many examples of the events that take place around the world for the benefit of our GOLD members.

    Despite the realignment and restructuring that is currently occurring in the global economy, I want to assure you that our team here at Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) is here at your service.

    As usual, we would love to hear from you.

    All the best for 2013,

    Timothy Wong, 2013 MGA GOLD Committee Chairperson