Getting SOCIAL with Devon Ryan
What is SOCIAL? Suggestion, Opinion, Concern, Idea, Advice, Lesson (SOCIAL) is a new initiative of the IEEE GOLDRush publication team to connect with Young Professional volunteers world-wide. The SOCIAL questionnaire…
What is SOCIAL? Suggestion, Opinion, Concern, Idea, Advice, Lesson (SOCIAL) is a new initiative of the IEEE GOLDRush publication team to connect with Young Professional volunteers world-wide. The SOCIAL questionnaire…
School teaches you the essentials of your profession. But what about those unspoken details one needs to pay attention to when entering into the professional world? What are small things…
Today’s story is about a group of talented IEEE Young Professionals from the Technical College of Kirkuk (Iraq), who, amidst all the instability, invested their attention to developing future leaders.…
The terms “Metaverse”, “Multiverse”, “Omniverse”, "Virtual Reality", "Augmented Reality", “Mixed Reality”, “Extended Reality”, “Digital Reality”, and “Immersive Reality” are being muddled and thrown around a lot. All these technologies are…
The IEEE IIUI Student Branch and Faculty of Engineering & Technology in collaboration with IEEE PES and the IEEE Young Professionals Region 10 organised a national workshop to address a…
IEEE Young Professionals Hyderabad, in association with the IEEE Student Branch at Vignana Bharathi Institute of Technology (VBIT), conducted their first STEP of the year in March. The STEP (Student…
It is with much excitement that we bring an IEEE GOLDRush exclusive interview with the founder of IEEE Academic, Mr. Rui Costa. Mr Rui Costa delivering the concept of IEEE…
Assistant Editor Sarang Shaikh speaks to the Consumer Electronics Young Professional Chair Abdullah S. Almuttiri. Abdullah has dedicated some of his time to actively serve in several IEEE positions and…
On a recent episode of Fareed Zakaria GPS (appearing in the US on CNN), Dr Susan Rice the former National Security Advisor for the Obama Administration made a profound comment…
Cyber security expert and host of a television show? It is not every day that we come across an IEEE volunteer involved in these two distinct fields. Dr. El Guindy…