The Unintentional Business Owner
Virtual: how this former team player started her own company, got plenty of work, and discovered the joy of running her own business. You’ll learn the steps she used to […]
Celebración por el día del Internet
Room: Coworking StartUPS Cuenca, Bldg: Juan Bottasso, Calle Vieja 12-30, Av. Turuhuayco, Cuenca, Azuay, Ecuador, 010202¡ Únete a nuestro conversatorio sobre el Día del Internet!
17 de mayo de 2024 ¿Hora?
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM ¿Dónde?
Coworking StartUPS Cuenca […]
Monthly IA-IL Section Social #2024 – May Third Friday Meet Up
Five Cities Brewery , Bettendorf, Iowa, United States, 52722"Cybersocial Third Friday" is a monthly reoccurring networking/social meetup hosted by the IEEE R4 Iowa-Illinois Section and Computer Society Chapter. Join us for social hour and see your friends and […]
IEEE Denver Picnic Party – Celebrating 109 Years
Bldg: Picnic Site 1, Bear Creek Park 1, Denver, Colorado, United States, 80227Did you know that this May 18th, IEEE has been in Denver for 109 years? To celebrate it, we are hosting a picnic party for IEEE members, family, and friends! […]
Overleaf Workshop in 2024
Room: Medium Lecture Room, Bldg: Graduate School of Information Sciences, 6-6, Aramaki Aoba, Aoba, , Sendai, Miyagi, Japan, 980-8579 , Virtual: is an online LaTeX editor that can be used in a browser and does not require a complex environment to build. The goal is to have the first opportunity […]
Overleaf Workshop in 2024
Room: Medium Lecture Room, Bldg: Graduate School of Information Sciences, 6-6, Aramaki Aoba, Aoba, , Sendai, Miyagi, Japan, 980-8579 , Virtual: that this event is held only in Japanese.) Overleaf is an online LaTeX editor that can be used in a browser and does not require a complex environment to […]
Dr Robert Wilson, Nobel Laureate: Celebration 60th Anniversary 1st Measure of Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation CMB Big Bang Origins of the Universe
Bldg: A2, AT&T Science and Technology Innovation Center and Museum, 200 S Laurel Ave., Middletown Township, New Jersey, United States( "ANTENNA AND PROPAGATION SOCIETY, COMMUNICATION SOCIETY, AND COMPUTER SOCIETY, AND IEEE REGION 1", Cosponsor the Event on 20 May -- 60th Anniversary 1st Measure of Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation […]
3. delavnica NVIDIA: Prilagoditev globokega učenja CUDA za aplikacije C++ na več vozlišč
Virtual: Na tej delavnici se boste naučili orodij in tehnik, potrebnih za pisanje aplikacij CUDA C++, ki se lahko učinkovito prilagajajo gručam grafičnih procesorjev NVIDIA. To boste storili z delom […]
IEEE NSS YP Monthly Meeting
318 GLADSTONE CRES, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, S7P 0C7IEEE NSS YP MONTLY MEETING 318 GLADSTONE CRES, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, S7P 0C7
Developing LLM-Powered Applications
Virtual: presentation delves into the basics of developing applications powered by Large Language Models (LLMs), using the open-source terminal application DeveloperGPT as a primary example. Attendees will learn about the […]
Developing LLM-Powered Applications
Virtual: presentation delves into the basics of developing applications powered by Large Language Models (LLMs), using the open-source terminal application DeveloperGPT as a primary example. Attendees will learn about the […]
IEEE-USA BrewPub Social – Seattle
1521 1st Avenue South, Seattle, Washington, United States, 98134( Join IEEE-USA for an evening of fun, networking, food, beverages, and swag as we hold our first Seattle BrewPub Social at Vinason Pho - SODO. This IEEE Member Exclusive […]