Monthly IA-IL Section Social – July Third Friday Meet Up
Five Cities Brewery , Bettendorf, Iowa, United States, 52722"Cybersocial Third Friday" is a monthly reoccurring networking/social meetup hosted by the IEEE R4 Iowa-Illinois Section and Computer Society Chapter. Join us for social hour and see your friends and […]
Sesión 8 – Taller Redacción de Artículos Científicos – YP R9 – CONCAPAN 2024
Virtual: de Preparación para la Redacción de Artículos Científicos * Sesiones únicamente en Español * Evento organizado por: + IEEE Young Professionals (YP) Región 9 – Ing. Chris Flores, Perú […]
St. Vital Park, Picnic site 4, Winnipeg, Manitoba, CanadaHello Winnipeg IEEE members and Capstone award candidates, Join us for Networking and a BBQ as we hand out IEEE awards to Capstone teams. This event is hosted by Winnipeg […]
From Idea to Empire: Navigating the Entrepreneurial Journey
Room: RBCx Finance Quarter Room, 350 Legget Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, CanadaIn this talk you will learn about the whole rational of company creation, its pros and cons and try to go into various metrics that show the extent of entrepreneurship […]
Training on vtools Management and Reporting
Virtual: on vtools Management and Reporting for student branch and affinity groups officers. Its online event and is registration only event. Details will be send to registered attendees only. Virtual: […]
IEEE RRVS: picnic
Bldg: North Pavillion, 2288 Newburg Rd, Belvidere, Illinois, United States, 61008Join us the IEEE RRVS annual picnic on Thursday July 25th at 6pm. Agenda: 6:00 PM Gathering 8:30 PM Adjurn Bldg: North Pavillion, 2288 Newburg Rd, Belvidere, Illinois, United States, […]
Introduction to Generative AI Using Diverse Platforms
Virtual: Artificial Intelligence has revolutionized various sectors, from creative arts to complex data analysis. This lecture, "Introduction to Generative AI using Diverse Platforms," aims to provide a comprehensive overview of […]
IEEE Northern Canada Section Summer BBQ July 27 in Edmonton
Bldg: Site 1, 11904 Emily Murphy Park Rd NW, Edmonton, Alberta, CanadaJoin us Saturday, July 27 for the annual IEEE Northern Canada Section Barbeque at Emily Murphy Park Site 1 (11904 Emily Murphy Park Rd NW) in Edmonton from noon to […]
A Collision of Trends in Cybersecurity: Understanding the interplay between the Dark Web, Artificial Intelligence, Cyberwarfare, and Cybercrime
Virtual: digital landscape is amid an evolution that could transform our world in ways we probably have not even envisioned. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful weapon, transforming […]
Cedar Rapids YP Social
Bldg 5200 S Soda Rd, Spokane, WA, United StatesCome out and have a drink and some snacks, while meeting other IEEE young professionals in Cedar Rapids area and some of the Section leadership. Guests are welcome, please have […]
August YP Officer Meeting
Virtual: Officer Meeting Virtual:
August YP Officer Meeting
Virtual: Officer Meeting Virtual: