Final Year Projects related to the AI, ML and DL
Virtual: session for the students about how they grow their professional development. It is an online session organized by the SSUET IEEE SPS SC in collaboration with the IEEE SSUET […]
Final Year Projects related to the AI, ML and DL
Virtual: session for the students about how they grow their professional development. It is an online session organized by the SSUET IEEE SPS SC in collaboration with the IEEE SSUET […]
Artificial Intelligence and its applications in real life
Virtual: session for the students about how they grow their professional development. It is an online session organized by the SSUET IEEE SPS SC in collaboration with the IEEE SSUET […]
Artificial Intelligence and its applications in real life
Virtual: session for the students about how they grow their professional development. It is an online session organized by the SSUET IEEE SPS SC in collaboration with the IEEE SSUET […]
1. delavnica NVIDIA: Osnove pospešenega računalništva z uporabo programskega ogrodja CUDA C/C++
Virtual: Delavnica obravnava temeljna orodja in tehnike za pospeševanje aplikacij napisanih v programskem jeziku C oziroma C++ s programskim ogrodjem CUDA C/C++. Udeleženci delavnice se bodo spoznali z implementacijo aplikacij, […]
Embracing GenAI and Navigating the Future of Artificial Intelligence Responsibly
Room: Floor 14, Flex Room A, Bldg: TransAlta Place, 1100 1 St SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2G 1B1Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) is rapidly advancing and proving its capabilities in various fields. ChatGPT, as a leading technology, boasts an extensive and swiftly growing user base. While Large Language […]
CenterPlace Regional Event Center, 2426 N Discovery Pl, City of Spokane Valley, Washington, United States, 99216IEEE Spokane is proud to co-sponsor an educational and comprehensive All Day Seminar on Radio Frequency Fundamentals – a no-cost event, including a complimentary lunch, co-sponsored by the Rohde-Schwarz Corporation […]
CenterPlace Regional Event Center, 2426 N Discovery Pl, City of Spokane Valley, Washington, United States, 99216[] >> RF DAYLONG SEMINAR MAR 28 IEEE Spokane is proud to co-sponsor an educational and comprehensive All Day Seminar on Radio Frequency Fundamentals, a no-cost event, including a complimentary […]
Launching a Career in Analog Circuit Design: Tips Not Taught in School
Virtual:, you want to be an analog circuit designer! You’ve taken and enjoyed some courses on transistors and circuits. You’re starting to understand how they work. Now what? In this […]
Panel discussion with IEEE President Tom Coughlin and R6 Director-Elect Joseph Wei, moderator: Alan Weissberger
Room: Room SCDI 1302 & 1308, 500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, California, United States, 95053IEEE President Tom Coughlin will share his goals and objectives and Joseph Wei will present how Region 6 will support Tom in achieving his goals. This will be an interactive […]
¿How to Networking?
Room: Edificio Juan Bottasso, Bldg: Coworking StartUPS Cuenca, Calle Vieja 12-30, Turuhuayco, Cuenca, Azuay, Ecuador, 010202[] Te invitamos a un evento único para: - Conectar con profesionales afines a tu sector. - Construir una comunidad de colaboración y aprendizaje. - Compartir ideas y experiencias en […]
Empowering Tech Transfer from Academia to Industry: Breaking Barriers, Securing Funding, and Assessing Markets
Virtual: the potential of tech transfer with Senior IEEE member Marc Perron as he bridges the gap between academia research and industry. In this succinct 30-minute presentation, Marc delves into […]