IEEE Young in Computer and Technology

Room: Salón 11G2, Bldg: Bloque G, Universidad del Norte, Barraquilla, Atlantico, Colombia

- Promote technological entrepreneurship among recent computer and technological engineering graduates. - Facilitate connections between companies and technological startups founded by recent computer and technological engineering graduates. - Provide mentorship […]

New Zealand Central Section IEEE Day 2024

Room: LT301, Bldg: Kirk Building, Wellington, North Island, New Zealand, 6012

The IEEE Day organised by the New Zealand Central Section will be a combination of the Life Members, Young Professional, and Women in Engineering Affinity Group events. All are welcome! […]

Navigating the Complex Terrain of Enterprise System RFPs


Overview: In the high-stakes world of large corporate IT, conducting a Request-for-Proposal (RFP) for an enterprise system is like orchestrating a symphony of diverse stakeholders, intricate technical requirements, and strategic […]

Austin IEEE Young Professionals: IEEE Day Tech Talk

Bldg: 4, 6200 Bridge Point Pkwy, Suite 400, Austin, Texas, United States, 78730

Join IEEE Young Professionals for a tech talk by a guest speaker from the power industry. Please park in the unreserved spaces at the parking garage located between Buildings 2 […]

Space Apps Challenge Guatemala


NASA Space Apps is an innovation and public engagement program under NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. NASA Space Apps aims to promote transparency, participation, and global collaboration as part of the […]

Reunion Nacional de Ramas Estudiantiles 2024

Hacienda La Chimba, Santa Ana, San Jose, Costa Rica

Los comités de Actividades Estudiantiles (SAC), Jóvenes Profesionales (YP), y Mujeres en Ingeniería (WIE), les invita a la Reunión Nacional de Ramas Estudiantiles IEEE Costa Rica 2024, que se llevará […]

Reunion Nacional de Ramas Estudiantiles 2024

Hacienda La Chimba, Santa Ana, San Jose, Costa Rica

Los comités de Actividades Estudiantiles (SAC), Jóvenes Profesionales (YP), y Mujeres en Ingeniería (WIE), les invita a la Reunión Nacional de Ramas Estudiantiles IEEE Costa Rica 2024, que se llevará […]

Tropic Topic Tour 2024-II

Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Sede Montería, Auditorio Juan Bedoya, Monteria, Departamento de Córdoba, Colombia

Tropic Topic Tour 2024 es un evento único que reúne a distintas ramas de la Sección Caribe Colombiano del IEEE y se llevará a cabo en Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Sede […]