• IEEE Young Professionals Panama Section Workshop

    IEEE Young Professionals Panama Section Workshop Group Photo
    February, 27 2022, Robert Sacks

    Starting with the right foot, IEEE Young Professionals from Panama Section delivered their first Soft Skills activity with young Psychology experts to develop a workshop based on Emotional Intelligence and Body Language held in Workspace Centre in Panama City on February 18th, 2020.

    This Affinity Group hosted the event with the purpose to engage potential members and diverse the networking exchange between all the participants. Emotional intelligence and body language are frequent issues, which have aroused interest in companies worldwide, becoming a fundamental element in both personal and Professional Life and the main reason why our volunteers were motivated to develop this event.

    The workshop consisted in two sessions. The first one explained the five competencies to develop emotional intelligence, mainly focusing on self-knowledge and the basis for initiating a learning process on emotional adjustment and thought restructuring. Also, the experts explained the 7 essential principles for assessing emotion, the thinking process and how reaction work in a daily basis.

    The experts explained with real case scenarios how gestures, postures and expressions does not always mean what someone transmits or perceives, especially in our professions. On the other hand, the audience felt very amused about how easily is to identify their own attitude with good practice and guidance.

    At the second session, participants had the opportunity to learn about the DISC model (Decision- Interaction-Serenity-Compliance) proposed by the psychologist William Marston, which focuses on the competence of self-knowledge, developing the ability to recognize personal characteristics, and thus how respond in relationships with others or face the challenges of life.

    Self-knowing on the first session made the audience understand how to interact at the end, followed by an amazing networking period in the break!

    This event was sponsored by IEEE Young Professionals Panama Section, which had an amazing feedback from the audience after the workshop through social media and our survey.

    The event had several highlights such as the quality of the experts, the venue and the fact that all the attendees were Young Professionals in different fields. Our Section appreciates the amazing support and energy and we extend our invitation to attend the next activities of this year, just look into our calendar and choose your favorite!

    Article contributed by Young Professionals Panama Section
