Local Activity Funding

Local Activity funding helps Volunteers develop, implement, and refine initiatives by connecting local IEEE-community members to cooperate. It offers networking and feedback opportunities, space for collaboration and more. Event organizers are encouraged to partner with IEEE Organizational Units (OUs), industry representatives, and local institutions to host events. New OU partnerships should increase attendees’ professional networks. Local Activity funding is available to all IEEE Organizational Units (OUs) with the exception of Student Branches and Student Branch Chapters. A maximum of 750 US$ is available per Local Activity proposal.

Event organizers must obtain an endorsement letter from one (1) qualifying IEEE Volunteer confirming the proposal will further local goals, and submit it as part of their proposal. YP Affinity Groups applying for Local Activity funding must receive endorsement from their group’s Chair or Vice-Chair. Qualifying endorsing Volunteers submitting proposals are exempt from the endorsement requirement. Sections, Subsections, Societies, and Councils applying for Local Activity funding may receive endorsement from the following individuals:

IEEE Member attendance is required at Local Activities. Event organizers must collect attendees’ full names, email addresses, and Member numbers as applicable. This information may be requested any time. Event organizers program technical or non-technical events. Local Activity event examples include skill development workshops, symposiums, career and professional advancement opportunities and networking sessions and more.



Funding amount

Funding Application Endorsement Requirement

It is expected that event organizers personally verify qualifying endorsers as outlined in the funding application categories above. Events applications endorsed by non-qualifying individuals will not be considered.

Consider the following:

Funding Qualification Criteria

Event organizers are expected to review and adhere to the following stipulations. Please email ypfunding@ieee.org with questions.

Event Reporting Requirements

Approved event funding will only be distributed once follow-up materials have been received and reviewed for quality. Follow-up materials must be submitted within 4 weeks after the event takes place/by the deadline set in the proposal call window. The required follow-up materials include:

Important Reminders for Online Application Submission

The IEEE YP Funding Portal is accessible here. Please note the following important reminders:

Ready to Submit?


Do you have comments, feedback, questions, or ideas regarding IEEE Young Professionals Events and Funding? We are happy to speak with you! Please reach out to us at ypfunding@ieee.org.