2. delavnica NVIDIA: Pospeševanje aplikacij CUDA C++ z več grafičnimi procesorji
Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/408287Opis: Ta delavnica pokriva, kako napisati aplikacije CUDA C++, ki učinkovito in pravilno uporabljajo vse razpoložljive grafične procesorje v enem samem vozlišču, kar dramatično izboljša zmogljivost vaših aplikacij in naredi […]
Engineering, Computer Science, and IT Job Fair
Bldg: Palais des congrès de Montréal, Metro Place-d'Armes, Montreal Convention Centre, 1001 Pl. Jean-Paul-Riopelle, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H2Z 1H5Welcome to the Biggest Job Fair of Canada [] This event is organized during Spring (April) and Fall (October) every year by the l’Événement Carrières in the vibrant city of […]
Huffman Engineering Presents Huffman Engineering with additional speakers
Room: TBD, Bldg: Nebraska Hall, UNL campus room to be determined by Student Branch,, Lincoln, Nebraska, United StatesPresentation on Huffman Engineering by Howard Huffman PE, IEEE Senior member and Jim Fricke PE and IEEE member. Our presentation will talk through who we are as a company, what […]
CIR: Bridging Design and Perception: Novel Tools and Technologies for Creating Effective Human-Robot Interactions
Room: 300, Bldg: Ritchie Engineering, 2155 E Wesley Ave, Denver, Colorado, United States, 80208Presentation: Bridging Design and Perception: Novel Tools and Technologies for Creating Effective Human-Robot Interactions Abstract: Understanding human perception of robots is crucial for effective human-robot interaction, particularly as robots move […]
CIR: Bridging Design and Perception: Novel Tools and Technologies for Creating Effective Human-Robot Interactions
Room: 300, Bldg: Ritchie Engineering, 2155 E Wesley Ave, Denver, Colorado, United States, 80208Presentation: Bridging Design and Perception: Novel Tools and Technologies for Creating Effective Human-Robot Interactions Abstract: Understanding human perception of robots is crucial for effective human-robot interaction, particularly as robots move […]
Technology for Public Safety, Not Public Surveillance
Bldg: Building A, 1314 Walker Rd, Lafayette, Louisiana, United States, 70506Topic Our presenters will delve into the collaborative efforts of various agencies in deploying over 1500 cameras aimed at enhancing public safety. They will highlight the role of each agency […]
Invited Talk at Muroran Institute of Technology (Co-organized)
Bldg: R205, 27-1 Mizumoto-cho, Muroran, Hokkaido, Muroran, Hokkaido, Japan, 0508585An invited talk by Prof. Ming Huang, Associate Professor, Nagoya City University, Japan, will be held on April 18, 2024, in Room R205, Education & Research Building No. 8, Muroran […]
Invited Talk at Muroran Institute of Technology (Co-organized)
Bldg: R205, 27-1 Mizumoto-cho, Muroran, Hokkaido, Muroran, Hokkaido, Japan, 0508585An invited talk by Prof. Ming Huang, Associate Professor, Nagoya City University, Japan, will be held on April 18, 2024, in Room R205, Education & Research Building No. 8, Muroran […]
ExCom Meeting
Room: 148, Bldg: Technology, 1300 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, New York, United States, 14222, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/417158ExCom Meeting Agenda: IEEE Buffalo Section Executive Committee Meeting Agenda 6:30 PM, Thursday April 18, 2024 In Person (SUNY Buffalo State University, Technology Building 148) Virtual on Zoom 1) Call […]
IEEE NOLA Thursday Night Bowling
3016 S. Carrollton Ave, New Orleans, Louisiana, United StatesThursday Night Bowling at Rock 'N' Bowl We welcome student and young professional IEEE members 3016 S. Carrollton Ave, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
IEEE NOLA Thursday Night Bowling
3016 S. Carrollton Ave, New Orleans, Louisiana, United StatesThursday Night Bowling at Rock 'N' Bowl We welcome student and young professional IEEE members 3016 S. Carrollton Ave, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/417776This event will highlight the importance of the IEEE senior member, informing you about your cases and travel grants as well as the IEEE VolT program. Event language: Spanish Speaker(s): […]